Our Story:
CultureConnect is a community based, volunteer-led, not-for-profit organization based in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. Founded in 1994, its mission is to help empower the youth and families of our communities to create a future of social justice, global engagement, and cultural competence. Working with local school districts and with the support of college, high school, and community volunteers, CultureConnect runs after-school and summer programs for school-age youth.
CultureConnect offers the following programs:
Our largest and longest-running program, CommunityConnect is an after-school and summer academic enrichment program for students in grades kindergarten through 5 who are English as a New Language Learners (ENL). The goals of the program are to enhance language and other academic skills, promote confidence, address achievement gaps, foster interpersonal and social relationships, and nurture a sense of the child’s and family’s belonging in the school and local community.
CollegeConnect helps students in our community who are the first in their family to seek higher education. We offer free college counseling services and help students and families consider all options to access college and / or other higher education alternatives. We also offer support in finding financial help and scholarships and in communicating with family members about the benefits of education after high school.
MadagascarConnect introduces local students to the environment, economy, culture and people of Madagascar. Students examine local and global issues as they prepare for and attend a biennial trip to the country.
ArtsConnect’s mission is to give the student the opportunity to experience various types of art in atypical ways (i.e. sleeping in a museum, creating art after a tour of the museum, thoughtful discussion, etc.) in order to enhance their opportunities to understand themselves and others. We offer day and overnight cultural trips in the Hudson Valley for middle and high school students.
WorldConnect helps students learn about diverse cultures by engaging them in unique, hands-on, activity- and food-based multi-cultural experiences, allowing them to interact with their local and global communities with intelligence, compassion and cultural competence.
CultureConnect Award in Memory of Metta Callahan
This annual award was created in memory of our friend, our neighbor, and our long-time volunteer, Metta Callahan. Metta served as a friend and translator for Latino families in our community for many years. She was a well-loved and integral part of CultureConnect.